Arkansas Pest Management Association works to increase awareness of our members’ services among consumers and promotes professionalism among members. APMA has an administrative staff and board. We provide avenues of communication at conferences, seminars and other special events.

On this website, you may view our bylaws, find out how a student may apply for the Lynn Hopper Memorial Scholarship, keep up on industry news and industry-wide events, and consult resources such as the National Pest Management Association and the Arkansas legislature. If you wish to become a member of Arkansas Pest Management Association, you may fill out an application form online under Join APMA.

You can also view our Arkansas Regional Map.

Our Mission 
is to communicate the role of our members as protectors of food, health, property, and the environment and affect the success of our members through education and advocacy.

Our Goals include: 
promoting a higher level of professionalism in the industry through education and networking; effectively representing members and our industry to regulators, legislatures, and consumers; and increasing the pest management market in Arkansas.

Regulatory/Political Issues 
are important to our industry. APMA works with the Legislative Committee of the APMA to keep apprised of all legislative issues affecting the industry.
     Donate to the Political Action Committee- Print and Mail form Here. 

Administrative Board & Staff
The APMA Is governed by their Board of Directors. Administrative staff including an Executive Director and support staff are provided by Best Association Management. The board consists of President, Vice President, Secretary Treasurer, Past President, four at large board members and five Regional Directors. The board meets quarterly. The APMA also has a Representative on the Arkansas State Plant Board. For more information about our Administrative Staff and Board, please see our Board Members page.

Educational Opportunities 
are important to APMA. Members may attend quarterly General Membership meetings, which are generally held in Little Rock with the dates announced on the calendar of events on the website; one annual statewide Fall Conference; semi-annual Regional Training Meetings; bi-annual Legislative Day Luncheon; and the National Pest Management Association Conference. Specific dates are on the Calendar page.

Networking Opportunities 
comprise an important APMA benefit. There are opportunities to network and serve the association as a board member and even as a member of the regulatory board that governs our industry in Arkansas. Networking with other members is easy when you attend the training meetings, state and national conferences.

© 2018 Arkansas Pest Management Association | PO Box 26243, Little Rock AR 72221
Phone: (501) 224-4840
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